Great news for you!

We are proud to announce that we are now the main sponsor and partner of the popular referee podcast "Impartial". Through our close cooperation with the charismatic host and referee Adrian Liebetrau, we open up completely new worlds for you. Look forward to exclusive, high-quality content and fascinating insights into the everyday life of the referees* - directly from first hand!

"Impartiality" is not only known for its outstanding journalistic quality, but with our support it is now becoming a central core of Schiedsrichter.deWe bring you the best of both worlds - deep insights, expertise & exciting stories - all in one package.

So, keep your ears up and tune in to "Impartial" - it will be legendary!🎧⚽



The referee podcast for the amateur sector


Unparteiisch is the referee podcast in and for the amateur sector for Germany's No. 1 sport: soccer. Host and referee Adrian Liebetrau deals with the diverse topics of his extraordinary hobby on a monthly basis and provides interesting insights into the everyday life of referees. With regular interview guests, the diverse topics of refereeing are addressed and discussed.

In the trailer, host and referee Adrian Liebetrau gives a brief outlook on the diverse topics covered in his podcast "Unparteiisch". Listen to it now: